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Sunday, November 2, 2014

My accelerating life

It's coming at me way too fast. Early this morning the plan was for Kelly and me to band at CMO, then a couple other sites south of here. Banding went good. We got three first ever November Lucifer Hummingbirds, one at each of the three sites. All three were juvenile males. So far so good.

After a pleasant lunch in Study Butte, we headed back to CMO. The plan was for Kelly to stay in the guesthouse overnight, and tomorrow we'd band at Lajitas, and look for odonates. Then I'd have a day or two to get my work caught up at CMO. That's when the plan started falling apart. Kelly came up to the house to tell me the pressure booster pump wasn't working at the guesthouse. I decided to drive down there and see if I could figure out why. It's always something. On my way down there, less than a block away, one side of my pickup's grill guard went crashing to the ground, and stopped me in my tracks. I walked up to the house for pliers and wire and we wired it on temporarily. 

That means I have to go to town to get it fixed after Lajitas tomorrow. Can't get any work done at CMO, and can't come back soon because Friday I have to go to Midland for some eye measurements for my November 11th cataract surgery. 

No time to water anything, but maybe it'll rain some in the next couple of days.

 Photographed this nice Fatal Metalmark along Terlingua Creek today. We passed time there while waiting for the Chili Cookoff  lunch crowd to thin out from the restaurant. 

Also shot what I thought was a cool bee, but Kelly says it's actually a fly. Still cool, blurry photo and all.

Here's an oasis weed that I love, even though I don't think it has any use to birds, butterflies, or anything. I like it because it's in the poinsettia family.

This time change has me all discombobulated, too. Makes it feel like time is going faster, or morning is going to come sooner, or something. Oh, yes, couldn't fix the booster pump. Kelly won't be showering in the morning. 

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