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Monday, December 24, 2018

Pleasant oasis day

The Phainopepla is still gorging on Oak Mistletoe berries and I was still determined to get a photo of the action. Got photos, but alas, nothing decent. It's obscured way back up there in a Netleaf Hackberry tree. If Mac had been here, he'd have nailed it. He has more patience than I do, and way better photography skills.

Stationary plants on the ground are more my speed. The same fall rains that brought a bumper crop of mistletoe also bode well for great spring flowers. Here's a fledgling Kunth's Evening Primrose (Oenothera kunthii) that I'll keep an eye on, hoping to catch its quick evening bloom in early spring.

Still a decent number of butterflies around. Brian says this female Orange Sulphur (winter form) is leaning to maximize the sun's rays.

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