My husband planted the rest of the garden, which is also up and doing well. Okra, melons, cucumbers, zucchini, etc. I plant and tend the tomatoes because I'm real picky about how they're done.
Early in the morning I'm heading to the oasis to fill feeders and join the stream of birders pouring to there for at least the next ten days of prime migration time. Meanwhile, I know my garden is growing and my husband will be watering it in town. All I have to do is stay healthy; no easy task, but I'm determined. Chomping at the bit to work on the new Blue Oak Trail, but just have to pace myself right now or I'll overdo.
One other project that I dread doing is mouse-proofing the house. I have everything else mouse-proofed, but every year I get a mouse or two in the house. Not acceptable. So I'm going to putty every possible seam between the roof and walls. My big problem is not having anyone to hold the extension ladder for me in the entry hall that's two stories tall... and wanting to work on the trail... or anything else.
Realistically, my house might sit empty for years after I die and I need to make sure no mice infest it... in the end.
Yup, what would good ol'west Texas cuisine be like without fried Okra ???