
Saturday, August 20, 2016

Aftermath update

When Larry Ditto was getting ready to leave Thursday after his photography workshop Sherry Wilson wanted a photo of me with Larry. I was rushing around hanging fresh feeders, but paused for the photo.  At first Larry tried to scrunch down to be more my height, but I said, no, I wanted him to stand tall beside me. He's a great person! I hope his plans for a spring workshop at CMO work out.

Here's a photo I snapped of the setup. Of course, through their lenses you will see professional shots...

... more like this one I took in the spring with their camera and setup.

I found out last night that two of the dozen festival vehicles from yesterday got stuck on Snake Road coming out from CMO in the place where the big holes were that we had filled. One had to be towed out. Hated to hear that. But at least the others made it through OK. I'm told that everyone had a good time and no one complained. If I could control the weather you can bet I would. LOL

I ran down this morning to redo all the feeders again. I got a total of over an inch of rain yesterday. Water was still overflowing the tanks' spillways.

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