
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

CMO today

The photography workshop starts tomorrow so Larry Ditto and a couple of helpers worked today to get things set up. Sure hope the mosquitoes hold off another couple of days. I had my first one today.

I hung around all morning (doing miscellaneous tasks of my own) in case they needed something, or had a question, then headed to town to get things caught up there. Did laundry and many other things that needed doing. Will be back at the oasis early in the morning to help, if needed, and to answer questions, etc.

They hung shade cloth over a large area. It seemed so strange to watch someone else working at the oasis and I didn't have to do anything.

Just for kicks I decided to give an oasis Lucifer T-shirt to the photographer who captures the best shot of the Lucifer's courtship display. I had ordered a few of the shirts, but don't want to sell them. I would have to charge too much just to break even for one thing. So, at this point, the only way to get one is to win it.

I think once this monsoonal week is over I'll see about pumping out the stucco tank and patching it. Just can't live with the leakage. Here is my soapberry patch since it got a huge flooding. At least it's alive. I would think with the horribly hot days behind us, and the ample watering that it'll get lush yet this year.

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