
Thursday, August 25, 2016

More frustrating setbacks

Daylight found me anxious to get the tank patched and start pumping. However, the hydraulic patching material did not work as stated. I followed the directions and tried over and over again. Wouldn't stop the water leaking in. So, I'm waiting. Too tired to go to town and try to find something that will work, so waiting for the leakage to subside. Another day lost. At least it hasn't rained yet and filled the tank. I got to thinking. The shallow end is 8 feet deep, about 96 inches. Even if I get the leakage down to half what it is, that still would mean the water would only last three months. If there's even enough water left in the dirt tanks to fill it. Hopefully, tomorrow.

A few photos from today.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird, probably juvenile male

Silverleaf Sage

Condalia Warnockii

Same Condalia, (20 yrs old)

Texas Ranger

Eastern Amberwing, male


  1. I wish I had noticed the blooming Sage and Texas Ranger last week while I was there for the Hummingbird Photography Workshop with Larry Ditto. I guess the little birdies kept me distracted. :-)

    The Eastern Amberwing is really a cool looking dragonfly. I really had not noticed them much until I started following your blog.

    Hope you have better luck today Carolyn.

    Sherry Halbrook

  2. Thanks for the good wishes. It's going to be good. I'll blog about it here shortly. As for the blooms, nothing much was blooming during the workshop. You couldn't have missed the sage blooms if you had tried. It just took a little while for everything to burst forth. I had previously had 4 record hot dry months. Even the soapberry that lost their leaves are putting on new ones.
