
Thursday, August 18, 2016


The workshop went fine this morning. See this Lucifer posing nicely for them.

Then the group went to the lodge to eat lunch, intending to return for one final session around 3 or 4 PM, same as yesterday. At 2 PM we got torrential rain. Larry Ditto had left his car at the oasis. So I took the back road to the lodge and led a vehicle (with Larry in it) back to the oasis. Then I had to go work on the road so he could get his low clearance vehicle back to the lodge, and also my family and I worked on Snake Road so tomorrow's festival group can make it in.

In the midst of all that it was discovered that someone had accidentally left a very expensive camera at the oasis. Not knowing whose it was, Larry locked it in his car. The camera's owner had gone to Study Butte for gas and couldn't get back for it, and was desperate to get her camera since she was heading back to East Texas. They caravanned back to the lodge from Study Butte and somewhere along the line they lost the owner of the camera. Presumably she tried to get down Snake Road to CMO, but her camera was locked in Larry's car and she couldn't have gotten to it anyway. I don't know how it all turned out, but it was sure chaos for a while. Cell phones don't work here and I'm sure most people are dependant on them, making it more challenging to function out here. Certainly an adventure for them if they can look at it that way.

Most everything was already full of water here except what had leaked out of the stucco tank and the leakage to the wildlife pond. So they got topped off. The rest ran down the arroyo to the ocean. The arroyo ran for a long time. Hours. Below is the stucco tank filling. Again. Above is the wildlife pond filling again.

Of course I had to empty and refill all my hummingbird feeders. They were getting low anyway. I had held off on filling any since the rain was expected. Even so, the rain surprised me when it happened. No big buildup or anything. Just same old overcast one minute and a deluge the next. I got 1.22" total today.

I read that worldwide, July was the hottest month on record. Rain is forecast for the next week at least.

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