
Friday, August 12, 2016


It was a huge shock and disappointment to me to arrive at Shafter and find that Cibolo Creek wasn't running. That's the first time ever I've seen it not running over the road. I asked someone about that and they said Poindexter of Cibolo Creek Ranch has put in some new catchment dams in the arroyos upstream. Maybe we'll get a lot of rain and there'll be some left over for the Shafter section of the creek.

Meanwhile, it worked out good for us. There are just shallow pools here and there. The creek is usually so swift that I was afraid we shouldn't try to walk up it with our cameras. My knees aren't so reliable anymore, and Desha has physical challenges of her own. So it was much more fun and safer this way.

There were a couple of species I was hoping to see that we didn't see, such as the Serpent Ringtail and Red Rock Skimmer. But we did get the Gray Sanddragon and Painted Damsels, both lifers for Desha. She ended up getting at least six lifers today. That made up for not getting any at Lajitas yesterday.

Here's the Painted Damsel. There were lots of males, females, and juveniles.

Desha wasn't going to let the fact that she was wearing new expensive leather hiking boots stop her from getting the photos she wanted. (I was wearing plastic Crocs.)

I love the Cardinal Flowers that grow on the water's edge.

Tomorrow we're going to the Pecos River. Not going to be rushed this time. Maybe I'll get a lifer. Desha is sure to get the Marl Pennant there, which will be another lifer for her. 

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