
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Better luck today

There's a light south wind, but maybe stronger farther south. Lots of migrants, especially warblers, seemed to stop in at the oasis for a break. The indefatigable photographers finally got shots of a male Lucifer. Today is their last day. Then the feeders will go back up and hopefully some good fall and winter hummers with start showing up.

Late last night Michael Gray showed me a patch (batch?) of bats up under the roof of my courtyard. He says they're Pallid bats. While I have more tolerance for bats than for mice, I don't know their species.

Here's a happy, well-fed Wilson's Warbler.

Other interesting birds seen today are numerous Townsend's Warblers, one Virginia Warbler, one Nashville Warbler, and a Black-capped Vireo. Yesterday I had a Black-throated Gray Warbler.

Townsend's Warbler

Red Saddlebags
In Alpine, our ducks left two days ago. Guess they got the urge to migrate. Hope they come back in the spring. All six of them were born at our ponds.

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