
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Doctor's office visit today

I wasn't improving, had a bad night, and worried I wouldn't be up to speed for my jaunt this weekend, so reluctantly, as always, I went to see one of my nurse practitioners. She seems to think that because I didn't have a fever, and because I have a long history* of asthma from pollen, smoke, etc., that explains my problem. And she stressed that it's a very serious condition. (You think? What's serious about thinking every breath is your last?)

So anyway, they gave me a steroid shot, some kind of inhaling therapy there in the office for about 30 minutes, and a prescription for some stuff I have to start taking tomorrow. Also sent me home with an inhaler that she cautioned me was long-acting and under no conditions dare I use it more than once a day. She said to use it today one hour after leaving the office treatment. So one hour later as I was heading down Snake Road I stopped and did as I had been instructed. But when I inhaled into it, I immediately began a violent coughing spasm. Doubt any of it made it into my lungs, much less got held there for 10 seconds. But no way dare I try it again. What was, was.

She had also wanted to give me antibiotics, but I declined. I said if there was a specific pathogen that I was confirmed to have, I would, but not just a general blanket shot. She knows me pretty well, didn't argue a bit. In fact, I sensed that when she asked, she already knew what my answer would be, but felt to cover all bases, she should offer. And she did elicit a promise from me that if I got bad again I'd go to the ER. I'm not so bad off I guess. It's been two years since I needed my inhaler.

Tons of butterflies along Snake Rd. Saw this gorgeous Black Swallowtail amid waves of them. This one lay in the road unable to fly. I couldn't resist collecting it. For what purpose I have no idea.

Hummer activity was way up from last time. It took me a long, long time to service and clean my feeders. Seems the steroid shot or something caused my fingers to seize up when I tried to use them. They would just freeze in some cramped position and refuse to do anything. Hence almost no photos. Finally managed to get the feeders done, but wasn't able to pull weeds. Can only type sporadically with a few fingers even now. Sure hope it's gone tomorrow. But my breathing is good now, and my energy has moved slightly up the scale from zero. 

The javelina must have taken pity on me. They tried to help clean the weeds from the walkways.


* My first asthma attack was from pollen and/or pollution in Phoenix around 1960. In those days before unleaded gasoline the air made your eyes burn... literally. I've never smoked a cigarette, but inhaled my share of second-hand smoke.


  1. (You think? What's serious about thinking every breath is your last?) Agree! : )

  2. For 35 years, I was surrounded bt 2nd hand smoke.

  3. Yes, I just hope I don't have permanent lung damage. I don't think I do. I sure wish you didn't.
