
Sunday, September 18, 2016

Still puny

The friend with cancer passed away yesterday. I came to CMO to surely recharge myself. I think it's my terrible allergies that are keeping me down. I suppose they'll linger until it freezes. Using loratadine in the daytime, benadryl at night, and albuterol inhaler whenever I have trouble breathing. Pollen wasn't so bad last year and I got through that fall just fine. The year before I ended up in the ER. But they gave me the inhaler so I don't expect to end up there again.

CMO is not very birdy; no interesting odes; and too impossible to look for butterflies with everything covered with American Snouts. This lovely female Question Mark did stand out though.

As did this Common Buckeye.

First of season Monarchs.

And something built a nest in my cholla patch. Probably a Cactus Wren. Maybe the Lucifer Hummingbirds will nest there next spring.

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