
Saturday, October 29, 2016

Getting my fill

Feeling it's about time to head home. Tomorrow is going to be my last day here.

Today I finally left the area where I'm staying and braved the freeways. Went to Edinburgh Wetlands first. Disappointing. First of all, there was a Down's Syndrome festival going on next door and loudspeakers were broadcasting from there at full volume, not to mention the traffic backed up for miles getting there.

Initially, I was very impressed at how it went from barren to a jungle in the thirteen years since I'd been there. But it was mandatory to stay on the trails, which didn't go near water, except in one little pond called the "dragonfly pond." So I could lug my heavy camera down the trails and look at water in the distance. I already know what water looks like. At the dragonfly pond I saw two dragonflies, both very common ones. So I decided to go back down some more freeways to Estero Llano Grande in order for my day not to be a total loss.

At Estero, it was more hot walking, and not only saying to stay on the trails, but warning repeatedly of alligators. By then, I was mostly in the mood to just go home. But back at camp I was finally able to connect with Tripp. We oded for a little while late in the afternoon at a place near camp, and made plans to go to the butterfly center in the morning. So with his help, I'll get me more lifers plus I'll learn a lot. But then Monday morning I'm going to head home. It'll make five days here. I had paid for a week, but it's too hard to know in advance how long I would feel like staying. I know when I'm ready to leave, but can't know ahead of time when that'll be. My first solo camping trip and all.

Here are a a few pics from today. This first one is a Carmine Skimmer, which is fairly common here. I got my first one in Uvalde last week.

Next is a better photo of the Mexican Bluewing, finally. Such a gorgeous butterfly!

This next species is one that showed up briefly at CMO several years ago. Kelly saw and got photos of it, but I didn't. So it's a lifer for me, even though it's been documented at my place. Pin-tailed Pondhawk.

And finally, for now, a little Cassius Blue that's a lifer for me on this trip.

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