
Monday, October 3, 2016

Trip tally

All photos ID'd. I got 7 lifer odes, and 10 lifer butterflies. Not too shabby for a weekend jaunt. Saw a few other things but couldn't get photos and don't want to count without photos. I'm barely counting this Orange-striped Threadtail because I only got really bad shots. On the first one (think microscopically small) it landed with me having to look into the sun. So I snapped a couple, then circled around to get the sun behind me. As I struggled to get a clear shot of it between the grasses, it flew. This is all I got.

Another lifer that I didn't get a decent shot of was this Slough Amberwing. Luckily, an expert was able to confirm the ID from my photos. I shot it with both of my cameras, plus Desha took what I thought were good photos, so I didn't dream when everything got downloaded this was as good as we got. I had even waded into the water. Don't know what went wrong.

Did a little better on my lifer Tropical Checkered-Skipper.

My old Lumix arrived today at my granddaughter's in Oklahoma. Batteries fine. It'll be a learning curve for him, but this young generation is growing up with technology and seem to pick it up quickly.

Went down to CMO this afternoon and watered and serviced hummingbird feeders, so I'm pretty much caught up now.

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