
Friday, November 4, 2016

CMO is good to go!

Got nearly an inch of rain last night and the upper dirt tank caught enough water that I was able to add a foot and a half to the stucco tank. Makes up for what I lost two months ago when I came to town and left a hose running. Plus I don't have to water for at least a week, maybe two.

The downside of the rain is that the road is not good to go, at all. Sigh!

I had a couple of butterfly pics I wanted to post but I got back to town without my camera cord and my card reader is built into my desk computer, which is at my son's house, hopefully, getting fixed. So this is all for today.

It was really a hard strenuous day trying to get the pump started, and the line to stay together so I could pump straight into the stucco tank and not have to double-pump the water, first to the lower dirt tank, then to the stucco tank. I got filthy from head to toe and got so many cockle-burs in my hair I had to cut them out. The water was worth the trouble though.

Got the car back from the shop today. It was an electrical problem. Nothing major, other than the damper it put on my trip.

1 comment:

  1. Really good news Carolyn. Can't wait until Connie and I can get back down there.
