
Sunday, December 11, 2016

Those pesky bees

Got to CMO this morning to find my feeders covered with bees. Since we hadn't gotten rain since I last serviced them, I guess it must have been high winds, or something. So I put out fresh feeders and in no time at all they were covered with bees again.

I knew I had done everything correctly, so I just hoped they'd soon discover they could no longer reach the sugar water. I went up to the house since nothing more could be done. When I came back in half an hour the bees were all gone. What a relief!

Only 79 days until Lucifers return. To me, that's the same as it being 79 days until spring. Stucco tank is not leaking so it's going to be an awesome spring. Just hope I'll be able to keep up with myself. All I did today was service feeders and I got back to town exhausted.

Threadleaf Ragwort (Senecio flaccidus)

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