
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Lovely day at CMO

It got up to 70° today. I watered everything. Feeders were still fine. Stucco tank still same level as it was when I went to town 4 days ago. All is well. Speaking of well, we trouble-shooted it some more. The well pump is fine and the line is good as far as the coupling. I think the problem is that the well isn't making much water anymore and it just will take a while to get the line full all the way to the house after it had been drained. I'm not really worried about it. Highly unlikely the coupling would come apart at the same time the line broke. I'm sure it'll be fine.  No problems. I've been taking it easy on my back and the pain is much less and more tolerable

Saw over 28 species of birds today, including a Hermit Thrush and a Robin. But most surprised to tally 7 butterfly species. 

 My indoor orange tree has five oranges on it. Couldn't get them all on one photo. This first one is way up high on the tree.

In the above photo you can barely see the fifth orange behind the trunk's prop stick.

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