
Monday, February 6, 2017

Near instant gratification

Yesterday I arrived at CMO intent upon repairing and hanging two bird houses that had fallen down and broken during horrible winds this past winter. It took a long hard time to affix the one that had hung about 10 feet or more above the ground. I needed someone to either hold the ladder, the heavy birdhouse, or operate the heavy drill.  But I had no one.

Just before dark, with the sun already set behind the mountains, I finally managed to figure out how to do it alone.  My day ended with a satisfied feeling. Since it is now all screwed together instead of stapled, I'm hoping it won't fall down again.

Didn't have long to wait. The first thing this morning there was a pair of Curve-billed Thrashers at the nest box. Pretty sure they'll be the next tenants.  Unfortunately the photos turned out way dark because a setting on my camera had been accidentally bumped from A to M (manual). But with the help of Photoshop I was able to pull at least something from it.

The quarters must have passed inspection because I definitely see nesting material in the beak on the next two shots.

While on the subject of nesting and Photoshop, not only will Lucifers be arriving (and nesting) soon, but so will Elf Owls. My friend, Mac Womack, created a composite from two Elf Owl photos he took at CMO last year. I love it! Gives the resulting image more personality than if it was two separate shots.

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