
Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Third time is a charm. I went by myself  on March 11, then with Mac on the 24th, and again today, and finally got it. Wasn't even hard. Just got out of the vehicle carrying water, wearing hiking boots, prepared to give it my best effort and walk for hours if necessary. The terrain is rough but I was determined to stay the course, however difficult. Hadn't walked for more than two minutes when I saw a potential hairstreak land not far from me. Decided to photograph it just in case, and immediately could tell through my telephoto lens that it was the coveted Big Bend Scrub-Hairstreak (Strymon solitario). Snapped an obscene number of shots of course. Brian thinks it's a female.

It was perching on lechugilla amid a large area scattered with blooming False Agave (Hechtia texensis), near the first pullout after turning onto the Old Ore Road.

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