
Sunday, March 12, 2017

Overwhelmed by flowers

I think it's realistic to say I'll never learn the flowers. Unlike birds or butterflies, the Latin names need to be learned too. And whereas I've probably got about 250 bird species at CMO, and 100 butterfly species, there are probably way over 1000 plant species, with several common names and often changing Latin names for each. I'm not going to give up, but doubt I'll ever come close to mastering it.

Here's a new species ( I think) to our property. Best ID I received on it is Cryptantha mexicana.

Working on it. Just still so puny, but at least I didn't have a headache today. That's progress.

My place doesn't have bluebonnets along the road like in the park, but there are flowers everywhere. I can stand in one spot and photograph 6 species of yellow flowers alone.

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