
Saturday, April 22, 2017

CMO filled to capacity

This morning approximately 25 birders were here at one time. More are due later this afternoon. It's cool and windy and no good warbler migrants. I always feel apologetic when there aren't good migrants since people come during peak migration. But they seem happy with my nesting species. Especially Varied Buntings and Lucifer Hummingbirds.

The juvenile Black-throated Sparrows that were being fed by the adults a couple of days ago are now on their own. Persevering. They feed from the seed feeder just fine.

I took a little time to go inspect the Burrowing Owl tunnels for any signs of activity. As I suspected, none. Some of the twelve tunnels have been eroded so badly that big sections of tubing are exposed. Oh, well, guess it doesn't matter. 

My sister has an interesting plant at her house. We haven't ID'd it yet. Maybe it's some species of Broomrape Weed. That plant is considered an unwanted pest, as it's a parasitic orobanche species that feeds on other plants' roots.

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