
Sunday, April 30, 2017

Located the Burrowing Owl's burrow!

In the process of locating the burrow I flushed the two owls, but now that I know where it is, I should be able to get photos of them in or beside the burrow. One of these days.

In Alpine, in spite of frost last night, the mulberry trees are loaded. Here is a Pine Siskin gobbling his share.

Back at CMO I took more photos of the aberrant hybrid Lucifer Hummingbird.

The American Kestrels that are nesting at the oasis come unglued when a Common Raven shows itself. I'm not fast enough to capture the action, but in this instance the kestrels drove the raven to the ground and showed no mercy.

When I arrived at CMO this morning a herd of javelina took off. I counted between 25-30 individuals which included at least 3 babies. 

Last night on the phone my daughter told me she's the happiest she's ever been. Nothing a mother wants more for her kids than for them to be happy and healthy. 

Lots of nesting going on at CMO. Visitors pointed out nests to me that I probably wouldn't have otherwise noticed. I raked a bunch on the road today and feel more comfortable that people won't get flats. But I'm really dragging. No nap because I wanted to sit and photograph the Lucifer in this perfect weather. I need to transfer water from the big concrete tank to the stucco tank, as the latter is nearly empty. Maybe tomorrow.

Retama in all its glory

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