
Monday, April 24, 2017

More Burrowing Owls

Migration hasn't produced any big fallout, but they're trickling in. Got the first migrating MacGillivray's Warbler today.

Yesterday when Michael Gray and Cecilia Riley left CMO for their home in Ft, Davis he discovered a Burrowing Owl nesting site around halfway to Alpine, not the same area as I had seen one. So now I'm gung-ho to locate it and photograph it myself. Meanwhile, Michael generously gave me permission to post his photos. His are better than mine will ever be, of course.

I'll try to go down Wednesday about the same time of day as he came by there and hopefully will locate them. Here's a photo of a Black-tailed Gnatcatcher he took at CMO yesterday.

And finally, a fascinating panorama Michael shot by stitching four photos together.

Left is my mountain, then W Corazone Peak toward the center, then on the far right is Williams Mountain. I think the photo is a bit deceptive in that it makes the mountains look like islands standing out in a desolate area when it isn't like that at all. It's actually cozy with no expanse of desert. The oasis is tucked inside a high basin surrounded by mountains on all sides. That's how it seems to me anyway.

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