
Sunday, April 9, 2017

Verbena mileage

I didn't plant the verbena patches, and I didn't water them, but I'm sure enjoying them while they last. Got another lifer butterfly today at the patch, a Pahaska Skipper. Brian has seen that species up on my mountain but I figured I'd never get to see one. Today one nectared as I took a break to watch the patch. Just wish that's all I had to do all day. I'm sure I'd rack up many more lifers.

The thrill of that Big Bend Scrub-Hairstreak on my third try still hasn't worn off. When Mac sent me this shot he took of me out searching it reminds me of the fun. I like the picture for that reason even though it makes me look fat what with my sweater tied around my waist and binoculars dangling. Oh, well. Could be worse, like if I really was fat.😎 I'm just old. With my bad knees and back I have to negotiate those rocky slopes very carefully.

March 24,  Big Bend National Park along the Old Ore Road

Rainbow Cactus today

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