
Friday, May 26, 2017

Never satisfied

Back in town after my one day trip to CMO to photograph the Broad-billed Hummingbird. I'm very dissatisfied with my photos of the bird. Sure hope it's still around when I get back down there so I can try again.

Coming to town, I couldn't resist snapping a couple Burrowing Owl shots as  I went by their nesting area.

Meanwhile, stuck in town I photographed some of the Mexican Hat flowers here. It intrigues me to see the varieties of color they exhibit, all in the same patch.

Forecast looks good for a chance of rain. Got my fingers crossed. But just cooling off will be an improvement. It was 104° at CMO yesterday.


  1. Good photos of Mexican Hats. And of course, the owl.

  2. Look at the legs on that owl. Super predator!

    Carla in Rowlett
