
Friday, June 2, 2017

And the rains came!

Looking north from the oasis last night by Mac
When Mac texted me in Alpine early this morning to say the oasis got .7" of rain and there was water in the upper dirt tank, it didn't take any more convincing for me to come tearing down to the oasis.

By the time I finally got the pump going and the lines staying together, I spent the rest of the day pumping water into the stucco tank. I'm even pumping out of the big concrete tank so that if it doesn't rain before long, we can clean that one out. It has so much silt, debris, and  pond weed in it that I don't see how it can hold much water.

Water going in

Water going out

I saw Spot-winged Gliders cruising around all day. I don't think they ever perch. 

For those of you that have had the displeasure of using my Potty Shed, which I installed over 2 years ago, you'll be happy to know that I've replaced it with a state-of-the-art potty, thanks to a lucky dumpster find. Here's the old one...

And here's the new one... 

And of course, for the squeamish, there's always a real bathroom in the bunkhouse.

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