
Sunday, June 25, 2017

Red Sunrise

I got up early this AM to go water at the oasis and was amazed to see the sunrise in Alpine. In all my years of life I never saw it blood-red like this in the morning. No adjustments have been made to this photo's color. It's like it came from the camera. If anything, with the naked eye, it was redder.

At CMO, as I was watering, I heard and saw baby quail, but they're so fast that by the time I got to the camera they disappeared. Here is the one and only shot I got. I did a little research and it appears that humidity and pollution play a part in the sun being red like this.


  1. Red sky at night, sailors' delight. The rhyme is a rule of thumb used for weather forecasting during the past two millennia. It is based on the reddish glow of the morning or evening sky, caused by haze or clouds related to storms in the region.

    Thought you might enjoy this.

    1. Thanks. I was very curious as to what caused it and what it meant.
