
Monday, July 3, 2017

A bit of irony

Was having photo withdrawals, so determined to find something to photograph. Nothing here in Alpine, nothing at CMO. Won't go to the Post Park in Marathon because this is July 4th weekend when they're busy setting up for their big shindig, fire works, dance, etc. So decided to check out Madera Canyon at the Lawrence Woods Rest Area. A long trip for nothing. Threatening storms, lightning, thunder most of the way. Once there I didn't dare go beyond dashing distance to the car. Never saw it as dry there as today. Never got a glimpse of sun.

Admittedly, I didn't walk the whole length of the creek, but this is the first time I've never even seen a mud puddle in it. And it rained all around. And I got sprinkled on, but nothing ran.

Feral hogs are wreaking havoc at the rest area.

Although very little is blooming anywhere, here's a flower I saw at the rest area. Don't know what it is. I probably did once, but forgot.

Back in Alpine it poured rain, same as yesterday, and same as a few days before yesterday. Our lotuses are blooming somewhat.

Nothing at CMO, naturally. At least rain in the Big Bend should translate to rain at CMO eventually. 

UPDATE: Dang, I just discovered the Post Park had its dance etc on the 1st. Guess I'll go there tomorrow.

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