
Thursday, July 6, 2017

Lajitas a bust

Woke up at 4 AM and couldn't get back to sleep so arrived at Lajitas well before 8.

But I didn't have the golf course to myself for long. It got real busy. Never dreamed so many people would play golf there during the summertime. I didn't find any odes of interest and in a couple of hours I was tired.  I didn't save any of the ode photos I took, but it was good practice with my new camera, I guess.

What salvaged my day was a message from Tripp Davenport informing me that a photo he took at the oasis on Nov. 20, 2012 was of a California Spreadwing. He just now found it and got it ID'd. That's a first Texas record. (More recently there were some in Midland at Sibley Nature Center.) That month in 2012 I had the Varied Thrush there and lots of visitors. It's possible some of them also photographed the spreadwing. I had hoped I did too, but not. I have the similar Great Spreadwing there most of the time, so without the California being in my Texas damselfly guide I would never have thought to question it. I'm learning.  Here's Tripp's photo, posted with his permission. So thankful to him that he documented it.

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