
Sunday, July 23, 2017

Too tunnel-visioned here

Decided to go to CMO after I got things caught up in town. There was no reason to rush because it had only been two days since I serviced the feeders and watered. Nevertheless, I sped down the highway, not stopping for several great photo ops. Then when I got to CMO there was absolutely nothing to photograph. Disgusted with myself.

I photographed a male Lucifer Hummingbird for no other reason than I just had to photograph something, anything. I should have used my monopod. I think it would have been sharper if I had. Don't know.

In my courtyard I have a small lily pond. The lilies grow enormous roots and dirt accumulates on the roots. Then stuff grows there. I haven't cleaned the pond out for years. Just too much maintenance anymore for me to keep up with. Here is an oleander and ruellia growing in the pond. I was surprised that the oleander is white because the only oleanders I have on my property are pink. Oh well.

My son flew his plane to Colorado this weekend and I was very nervous. Didn't head south until I knew he had landed safely.

1 comment:

  1. Haste makes waste. : ) Slow down girl. I'll be out your way with Fred. We plan to do the TNC open weekend and then head to BBNP. Will stop to see you in alpine or at CMO. Fred will want to stop at CMO for Lucifer. Jenni and I have just returned from Maine. Nice and cool up that way. We will be house/cat sitting for the moth of Sept. on Mount Desert near Bar Harbor. That will be fun. Ciao
