
Sunday, September 3, 2017


I had intended to go up the mountain with my sister this morning but that didn't happen. Instead I puttered around watering and photographing the bonanza of butterflies swarming the oasis today, trying not to sit down because when I did, I didn't want to get back up. Even a short nap didn't help. Partly my sinus infection and allergies, I'm sure. Hope tomorrow is better.

I'll start out with a couple of lovely shots by Mac Womack. When the festival groups were here they were entertained by the Curve-billed Thrashers feeding young in a man-made nest box (see Aug 24 post). Today, ever-patient Mac got pics of the nestlings. Too cute! Thanks, Mac!

Next is a photo he shot of a couple of bats in the courtyard. Neither of us know what species they are.

A hard act to follow, but I'll post a couple of the myriad of butterfly shots I took today. It's September now, and I worked on my September list.

Golden-headed Scallopwing
I find these next two interesting because they're both Fatal Metalmarks but this shows how variable that species is. So many species look so much alike I can't tell them apart, and here these two that look so different are actually the same species. Go figure!


  1. Those bats look like Pallid Bats. A very common, and cool, species in the Trans-Pecos

  2. Thanks. I should have known that. I knew it once. Does that count? LOL

  3. Yeah the bats are cool. Pallid would be a lifer for me.
