
Thursday, October 26, 2017

Winning? Not so much!

2017 10-26 CMO (1)

The big bad bear was there to greet me when I went down this morning.  Before he left he pulled down the feeder hanging high on a rope near this seed feeder. Broke the hanger on it.

Also broke another branch on that first Chinkapin Oak tree  he had pulled down around him the other day. I'm sure there were no acorns left on it. He was just making sure, I guess.

I raised the canopy feeders even higher, since they had been the height of that rope feeder. There are still 2 feeders in the open hummingbird area that I know he can get to if he wants to, but the Lucifers need them. Haven't seen one hummer at the canopy feeders yet. I saw two male Lucifers fighting over their favorite feeder this AM. One was this juvenile.

And the other this adult male. These will undoubtedly be the last Lucifer shots for the year. 

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