
Saturday, November 4, 2017

Bear seems gone

Sun rising in the east at the same time moon setting in the west coming south on Highway 118 this morning.

Got to the oasis and no evidence of bear. I relaxed, hung some feeders, and put out seed. Felt good to have my habitat back. Later, as I was watering trees I noticed lots of ripe acorns in the Live Oak trees. Kinda burst my bubble. The acorns just don't show up until they're ripe. Green acorns blend with green leaves. So I became somewhat trepidatious. Took down 2 low feeders and left 2 low ones up. Will wait and see.

Worked on mending the potty shed's canvas covering. Think I'll buy some fabric paint and give it a protective coat of that when I'm through. Still not up to doing much but my sinus infection seems to be gone, or subdued.

Took a few photos today just to keep in practice. Added a few butterflies and odes to my November list. Weather may have been record heat -- 88°  for this time of year. Here's a lovely fresh Vesta Crescent.

Hugh's brother died a couple of days ago and we're going to New Mexico to his memorial service in a couple of days. So trying to get caught up here at the oasis. There were 2 Lucifer Hummingbirds here yesterday and I saw one of them again today.

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