
Friday, December 8, 2017

Another ordealic adventure

You're probably thinking I do this stuff so I'll have something to blog about. But I'm perfectly content to go days without blogging. 😆

This morning it occurred to me that I totally forgot to turn the valve off that feeds the semi-outdoor shower in the mudroom at CMO. If that pipe froze it would cost me 3000 gallons of water. Best I can figure, it got down to around 10-15° last night. Couldn't take the chance, even knowing I'd have to walk the last mile. Heading south from town the roads were icy but I didn't have any problem. Maybe the ice/snow was starting to get moisture on it because it was gone when I came back to town later today.

When my pickup wouldn't go anymore, I started the walk. 

Hadn't gone 200 hundred yards uphill when I realized the cold air was closing my bronchial tubes. Somehow forget about that. So daring not to take a chance I went back down to my pickup and got my inhaler. I managed to get halfway up the last hill to the house before I used it. Before then I remembered to cover my face to prevent breathing the cold air. That helped.

After I melted the snow in my rain gauge I ended up with over an inch total from the two-day event. Then I found a House Wren trapped in the Potty Shed. Finally got it out safely. The Ring-necked ducks are still enjoying the tank.

I put seed out for the birds and soon a covey of about 20 quail showed up, but when I got closer to take a photo most of them flushed. Too cold to wait them out.

By the time I headed back to my pickup things were melting and the cold didn't affect my breathing. Melting so fast that it was running down the road.

Took a few shots of the snow-covered mountains on the way back to town. 

Nine Point Mesa

Santiago Peak

Elephant Mountain

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got the wren out. An adventure for all. Glad you survived.
