
Saturday, January 27, 2018

Thoughts on the TP&W program

I watched the segment this afternoon with great anticipation and dread. All in all, I thought it was very well done. I was glad they focused on the birds as much as they did. What I like best was that a tiny snapshot of the oasis is preserved for posterity with this program. So, long after it's gone, people can glimpse what it had been like in its heyday! Who knows, that might inspire someone to create something similar in the Christmas Mountains a hundred years from now! And maybe someday the local parks will maintain feeders so birders can enjoy the hummers without having to traverse my terrible road.

The one thing I would have liked them to point out was that, unlike the other two places they featured (Sandia Wetlands & Bishop Wetlands), the oasis depends on rainfall alone. Does not get water funneled to it like the other two. But I know they can't include everything. I imagine viewers will wonder where all my water comes from. Pure serendipity that they came and did their filming right after my only monsoon of the year. Had they come two weeks earlier they would have been hard-pressed to find water anywhere.

Of course, it goes without saying that the camera makes me look older and fatter. I'm used to that. Starting to think maybe I am old and fat. LOL

In a couple of weeks the full episode will be available to watch online for people who don't live in Texas. When that happens, I'll post a link.

In other news, my daughter's business is one of the six finalists. I didn't count how many new businesses there were competing, but I'm sure at least 30. Thank you all for your votes! I'll let you know if she wins. She's the only boutique of the finalists.


  1. Not older ...Better, and not fatter ...Rubenesque.

    1. I feel old and ugly, and feel like I look that way on the camera, but I just have to let go of that. Getting old and ugly is the goal, considering the only other option. I'm not about to diet and get plastic surgery. LOL

  2. Carolyn I watched the segment last night and WOW! Gosh I hope someday I get to see your oasis but if I don't I got a good idea from the show. What a great thing you all did out there.

    Joe Sherfy, Austin

  3. Thank you so much! Hopefully you'll get to see it in person when it's lush like it was when this was filmed.
