
Friday, February 16, 2018

About my blogging

The last couple of days I've spent reading all my blog posts (all 1580 of them), starting with the first one in 2009. It's sure good that I blog because a lot of what I've posted I have no memory of. Such as all the details of my eye surgery. Today my vision is acceptable, but that one eye that ended up having a total of 3 Lasik procedures is chronically dry. Gets really painful. Have to put drops in it every few hours day and night. So even though I'm not required to wear the UV goggles anymore, I continue to wear them outdoors. My eyes feel better and I think don't dry out as fast.

I had forgotten how bad my hip hurt after building my mountain trail in 2016. Luckily, it doesn't bother me at all anymore. My shoulder is what bothers most. And sitting at the computer editing my blog was a killer for it. I think in the future I can use it less and it might get better.

My blog makes a good diary journal. So, as such, some of the posts are really boring. I've deleted some of the more inane useless posts. I see in the future I should do better follow-ups on some things too. Like my plants. Mexican Elders seem to survive but are always losing their leaves for some reason or another. Too dry, too hot, too cold, etc.  They're also prone to having lots of branches dying back. Also in the future I intend to post fewer photos of species that  I've already posted photos of ad nauseam.

The pomegranates that I started from cuttings from my son's house some years back are alive but not thriving. And the kumquats have all perished, as have most of the other citrus plants. The Trifolate Orange that someone sent me actual oranges of are doing OK. Nothing to brag about.

I noticed that in 2015 (I think it was) I worked so hard to rid the hummingbird garden of mallow. It's been overrun with mallow since then and is so currently.

The stucco tank seems to be just leaking its normal minimum. Last year I removed all the dirt out of the big concrete tank thinking the pond weed would soon come back but it hasn't yet.

My blog reminded me that I once had a seed feeder way up on a pole. I had forgotten. I think I need to do that again because when no one is there the ground feeder goes empty. Working on a plan that I hope to get implemented this spring.

Through the years I've seen great photos on local Facebook groups. Thinking about adding some to my blog occasionally. For example, here's one of the Lost Mine Trail in Big Bend National Park that someone posted recently. I think my followers might enjoy pictures like this as long as there aren't too many of them to take away from the CMO theme of my blog.

And here's another posted on Valentine's Day by a Terlingua Ranch resident (Tim McKenna) of House Finches. Ours are the reddest!

It's not like all my previously posted pictures have been taken at CMO by me, so I may expand that area some. Your comments welcomed.

I discovered that all the videos I posted on my blog before 2016 no longer work so I deleted them. I think I had them in Picasa and now I use Flickr. Bummer!

Gonna go to CMO tomorrow and see if it's spring there yet and if the Lucifers have arrived yet. Hard to believe they'll for sure be back within the next couple weeks. Harder still to believe I survived winter. It wasn't easy.

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