
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

It's spring!

My husband intended to go fishing this morning so once again I planned to come to CMO. After being really puny for the last several days, I woke up at 3:30 AM, ready for the day. But at 6:00 AM, Hugh got up and said he didn't feel up to going fishing.* I came to the oasis anyway.

Didn't see a Lucifer today but there's a SW wind so I'm sure they'll start arriving tomorrow. Meanwhile, Sandhill Cranes are taking advantage of the wind. I always get so excited when I hear them coming. Today a flock of about 65 flew in formation, then started milling around above the oasis. Shortly another flock came from the south, flying in formation, and joined the first flock as they continued north.

 My verbena is looking good but I was too puny to dig up more. I'm thinking about putting them in the citriseria so no hogs or javelina can dig them up. No hurry. They're already starting to bloom and there's no butterflies so this project may be a bust. (A couple of them are still indoors until they grow new roots.)

I should have lots of Harvard Penstemon this year. However, that attracts hummers more than it attracts butterflies.

Most of my day today was spent making a cone/funnel for inside the hanging feeder. I shopped all over Alpine looking for something to buy that would work but couldn't find anything. It was a huge pain to make, but at least it'll serve the purpose. And I didn't even cut myself on the sharp tin. Cut it too big the first time and had to re-cut it. Still fits too snug to let the seeds dispense properly so tomorrow I'm going to make the holes in the bucket taller. Can't stand to cut on the cone anymore. Sorry, forgot to take a photo of it. It's pretty ugly. With the hollow in the center of the bucket now I was able to raise the feeder up to about 6 feet. That should deter bears. After I adjust the holes I'll probably try to get it up another foot. (The seed in the center just added to the weight while not being accessible to the birds.)


*For the past couple of months my husband has suffered from a horribly itchy rash. Still haven't got a handle on what's causing it, but his Dr is trying different things. He has an appointment with an allergist in Odessa next week.

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