
Friday, March 16, 2018

Definitely spring

In town yesterday I planted the tomato plants. For some reason they grew spindly and limpish indoors. I figured better not delay getting them into the ground any longer. I deliberately took them out one at a time. Trying to be helpful, my husband brought the remainder outdoors to me. I didn't say anything, but I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get them planted and covered fast enough. Vertigo and all. I made it with all but one. By the time I got to it, it had wilted terribly. I planted it anyway. Maybe it'll come up from the roots. We only planted six this year so we won't be inundated with bushels of tomatoes. Didn't think to take pics. Not very pretty yet.

Came down to my beloved oasis after a dentist appointment late this afternoon. I'm really feeling close to normal today finally. That whatever-it-was really zapped me.

Tomorrow I'll water and service feeders, then go back to town to nurse my tomato plants. Since I got here late and always so much to do, I didn't take photos except for this blooming Button Cactus (epithelantha micromeris). I hope I can get a photo of it when it has fruit on it.

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