
Monday, March 26, 2018

Getting caught up

Getting caught up just in time for lots of visitors to CMO to start showing up. I had figured out how I could fix the badly leaking line going into the stucco tank by myself. Brian was visiting and offered to help. Good thing he did because it would not have been possible for me to do it without help. I'll spare you the details, but it's now leak-free.

We had to plumb it way back to where it went into the ground. (Not visible on these photos). Doesn't look like the killer to do that it was.

Brian went to Sanderson and got his lifer Coahuila Giant-Skipper larvas. Half of them have pupated. He's pleased that every pupa so far has been perfect.

Back in Alpine, one of the four Buttonbush plants I ordered online has started putting on leaves. That's great because if only one makes it, it'll spread and make more. They're so great at attracting butterflies. The other 3 look healthy so I'm optimistic they'll soon recover from their transplant shock and start leafing out too.

My vertigo isn't 100% gone, but on its way out,  I'm feeling more energy now than I had for the last couple of weeks.

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