
Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Flora today

This morning was surprisingly cold and windy but it warmed up some this afternoon. I don't remember the mesquites blooming this early. They normally bloom around mid-April.

I know the acacia never bloom until late in April. There are lots of Four-winged Saltbushes (atriplex canescens) blooming.

And here's a Dotted Roadside-Skipper enjoying my new verbena patch.

So glad the pondweed is coming back. It all went away when we cleaned out the tank last June. And since the tank didn't fill until August, it didn't get a chance to come back last year. Gonna be good this year though. And beyond, because I don't intend to clean out the tank again.

Remember that little blooming Button Cactus (epithelantha micromeris) I posted on March 16th? Now it has fruit on it.

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