
Monday, April 16, 2018

Glad to get to CMO

I think I saw my first ever Hog-nosed Skunk this evening. I was hanging out at the oasis right at dusk. No camera, so I ran for my Canon in my pickup. Since there was such low light I should have grabbed the Lumix instead. By the time I got back to where it was, it was disappearing. And I didn't want to get close, even if I could have. So all I got are a couple of blurry shots as it ambled off. (If you want to see a better shot of it, I posted Mac's shot on September 18, 2017.)

And here's a West Texas Northern Cloudywing. (Is that an oxymoron?)

I didn't arrive at the oasis until after 5 PM due to a late dentist appointment in town, but tomorrow I'll have the whole day to water and take pictures. Feeling puny. Thinking I need to take vitamins.

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