
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

A little rain!

The oasis got close to half an inch of rain. A much welcome relief from this parching drought. Watering had managed to keep things alive but the trees are very sparsely leafed out. The ground was too dry for any runoff, but that's OK. It's just May. Plenty of time for the tanks to fill yet this summer.

Mac didn't take any photos of the storm and I was in Alpine, but above is a shot Don Baucham posted of it on Facebook.

In other good news, I had a well company test the pump that didn't work in the stucco tank. It was fine. That means the problem was the control box. Since I ordered another pump, the new one, when it arrives Friday, will be my backup. Now I ordered another control box so I can replace the one that comes with the new pump since I'll be using it on the old pump. I don't want the backup pump to not have a backup control box.

Kelly's hummer cam is up and running for the hummingbird season now. Here's the link if you want it.

It still hasn't soaked in (no pun intended) that I won't have to water for nearly a week now. Won't know what to do with myself.

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