
Sunday, May 27, 2018

Electrical woes at CMO

Sunrise or sunset, I forgot which

Some days ago my pump stopped working so I had to drag hoses from a little portable pump that I stuck in the big tank. Then I took the well pump that I use in the stucco tank to town and had it tested and it works fine. But when Mac and I reinstalled it, it didn't work. We tried everything we could think of. Had my son come and he fiddled with some stuff and it started working so he left. He wasn't even out of sight when it stopped. Now sometimes I can get it to work for 5 minutes or so. When it quits I go flip a breaker (that hadn't tripped) and sometimes it starts again, sometimes not. I got a little watering done today before I couldn't continue. Over 100° and I was exhausted.

So I came to town and called an electrician. My son can't get away for long enough to go do what needs to be done, which is probably install new breaker panels, and who knows what else. It's going to be expensive but those old breaker boxes are at least 40 yrs old and no longer are suitable for things as they've evolved to in the last 40 yrs., such as creating the oasis and needing pumps. It might be a simple fix but I just need to have a decent electrical system.

No pics today. For one thing, I was too overwhelmed with the pump crisis, and for another, nothing of interest is going on. I got a brief look at a dragonfly that I hadn't seen yet this year, but no camera handy and no time to pursue it.

Watering takes priority over everything except family emergencies.

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