
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Losing the battle

The electrician, who said he'd "for sure" be here to do the work today, texted me this morning to say his pickup needed brake work done and he'd come Friday. At my husband's insistence, I texted him back that if he doesn't show up Friday I'll take legal action. Haven't heard back from him. If he had been honorable he would have texted right back something to the effect that he understands my frustration, but not to worry, he'll be there Friday. As it is, I doubt I'll ever see him or my money again. And still no working pump. On the bright side, I do have water to pump and by using the little slow pump, even though it's more onerous, it gives me more time to enjoy odes and butterflies.

I saw one dragonfly today that I really wanted a photo of but it didn't land. Got a few decent butterfly shots, though nothing that interesting. Here's a Question Mark.

And a female Funereal Duskywing in Beebrush. It's in bloom all over the place. The air is heavy with its perfume.

I finally got my blog settings so that I get an email when someone comments. I used to, but then google changed something and I had to dig into forums to figure out how to get it back. Sorry for any of your comments I missed. I value them all.

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