
Thursday, March 28, 2019

Trying to keep up

Kept on moving today and I can't move anymore. I'm all moved out! LOL But I've lost 5 lbs since I started my diet with no ill effects. Only 15 more to go, but I know that last 5 or so will be impossible. I've tried to lose it before.

Finally made it down to the huge verbena patch above the lower dam. Was on my way to town and just refused to drive past it again.If I had stayed awhile I might have seen some interesting butterflies.

The verbena and phacelia are all along the arroyo from the dam to the oasis. Here's my first butterfly picture on phacelia.

Arizona Powdered-Skipper on  Blue-curls (Phacelia congesta) 
Orange Skipperling

Through the years I've documented six hues of globemallow at the oasis and at our place in town. Here's a lovely rose-colored one from the oasis, which is nice to see after all the orange and lavender ones I tolerate. Only because I don't have the energy to remove them from along the walkways. I'm terrified someone will get snakebitten. I'm really going to try hard to get some mowed.

Copper Globemallow (Sphaeralcea angustifolia)

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