
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Spring again

A poem I liked as a child was called, "Spring." It went "Along with the birds and the song of the thrush, slush!" Today it's more like "Along with the verbena and song of the thrush, beebrush!" Like the verbena, it's everywhere and so hard for me to dig out. I just do the best I can. Having verbena temporarily everywhere is great, but having beebrush (whitebrush) everywhere permanently is terrible. For one thing, every time I brush past it I end up getting poked and bleeding. It doesn't have thorns but its twigs are sharp. It grows under everything I plant and water, using up the water meant for the trees I planted. And I'm just getting too old to keep it down, but I'll keep plugging away. Here's some in the walkway that needs digging out.

More hummers keep showing up. Here's a female Lucifer. I love seeing them in their fresh breeding plumage. 

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