
Sunday, March 24, 2019

Winter's legacy

It seems I gain weight every winter and don't lose it all in the summer. Every year I get older and slower, so lose less of the winter gain. Now I'm 20 lbs heavier than I feel I should be. I've just got to lose that weight or I have no hope of ever going up my mountain again. Like so much in life, it's a vicious cycle. The extra weight makes me less able to exercise as much. I'm going to really try hard to lose though. My knees are especially bad.

It was such a lovely day today here in Alpine that I uncovered the tomatoes for awhile. It's only March so I'll have to cover them up again when it gets windy. They're still not tough enough.

I was surprised to see a Monarch butterfly today. I usually only see them in the fall.

Monarch at Bluebonnets
And this is only the second time I've seen a Black Phoebe at our ponds in Alpine.

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