
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Alpine vs CMO

I posted earlier today about my morning in Alpine. When I got to the oasis midday the first thing I noticed was the sound of air coming out of a tire. And on a day when no birders were here to help! I changed the tire myself in a record two hours. LOL

I didn't have anyone to hold the lug wrench in place while I put all my effort and weight into the "cheater bar," so with each lug nut I had to find something the right height to prop up the wrench.

Finally, hot, tired, and hungry, I was in the home stretch, putting the lug nuts back on. Decided to photograph the moment with a time lapse shot, but hit a wrong button on the camera and it came out black and white. Not worth trying to figure out how to fix it. One thing at a time. Later, I did fix it. As soon as color photography was invented, I quit liking black and white.

When I called my husband and told him about the flat, he said this is no country for old women. He's always trying to get me to give up on the oasis. I don't see that ever happening. At least it'll take more than his negativity to stop me. I feel great! I changed the tire all by myself!


  1. OK. Now we know who gets the Strongest Old Woman of the Year Award. (I can say that because I am very close behind you in age.) Well done on getting those lug nuts off. Especially now that they're put on with air compressors. Sheesh.
    (I can remember standing on a lug wrench and jumping up and down when on the road with no cheater. But that's been a while.)
    So glad you are having a good spring with birders and water.

    1. Thanks, Judith. For a while it looked like the lug wrench was going to break from all the force I was putting on it.
