
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Very hot and very windy

Too bad Elf Owls are territorial. No matter how many agave stalks I populate the oasis with, only one pair will nest there every year.

But I installed one robust stalk at the house a block or so away where I also have a nesting pair every year. I'm sure a Ladder-backed Woodpecker will chisel out a suitable dwelling in it before next March.

Bruce St. Romaine delivered the agave stalks we gathered in Alpine yesterday, and helped me erect them. While I had him in my clutches I got him to saw that pole in half so I have a better chance of getting it to the oasis where I need it. Bruce is really handy to have around. Very capable help!

A flock of migrating Lark Buntings stopped in for a drink. They're almost in their summer breeding  plumage now. Probably will be by the time they reach Colorado.

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