
Friday, April 26, 2019

Visitors from far and near

A couple of the birders here today that I met for the first time were from Alpine. I didn't even know there were hardly any birders in Alpine (other than Bill Sain and Stephen Falick). Good to know. Other birders today were from Canada.

Then there were birders here from Washington State. Incredibly they ran into some birders here from the Netherlands that they'd met somewhere else birding in the country. The birders from the Netherlands had a very muddy car.

Seems they decided to go from Marathon to Terlingua Ranch Lodge, where they're staying, by way of the county road the cuts across just inside the park. When I got my little dab of rain a couple of days ago, that road apparently got a deluge. It's about 20 miles of dirt road. So they got stuck and had to get themselves out. It's that, or walk out. No cell service, and no traffic at all. Good thing they had their strong son with them to help push.

I hardly ever see Canyon Towhees even though they're a common bird here.

Tree Tobacco doing good so far. Hard to believe I had to use tweezers to pot the tiny sprouts last winter.

Tomorrow is BIG SIT day. Hope birding is better than it was today.

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