
Thursday, May 2, 2019

Bell's Vireo status

I had known about 4 Bell's Vireo nests at the oasis. Today 2 eggs hatched from one of the nests. I saw a cowbird egg in with the hatchlings. I couldn't resist removing it.

Cowbird egg in shadow left of hatchlings
Then I got worried about the other 3 nests. I checked two of them and they were abandoned. The third one I haven't checked yet because the female hasn't left the nest and I don't want to flush her.

Meanwhile, in the first nest, the female tended the newborns.

The male brought food deliveries to the female every few minutes.

Then in the afternoon, one of the videographers set up his camera there to record the action, and reported that the male switched places with the female every 15 minutes or so. That was probably happening this morning too but I didn't ever pay attention long enough to notice.

Here's the nail hole that caused my tire to go flat the other day.

Domenico from Ireland
Waiting on Elf Owls

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